
Dr. Vaneet Sharma Blog

Dr. Vaneet Sharma is an Indian renowned Astrologer, with 30 Years of Experience in Astrology he is considered to be the Best Astrologer In Bay Area, Fremont USA. science which deals with the planetary movements and its effects on our lives. This science is based on astronomy. Astrologers need to know the correct positions of the planets at any given time of birth, as well as the correct positions of the zodiacal fixed star signs in relation to any place on earth at any given time. Once the correct positions of the signs and planets are known, astrologers prepare charts representing these positions and it is called a Natal chart or a horoscope.

Vastu goes beyond designing and architecture. At a higher level it deals with the subtle effect of the design on the environment and people by taking into consideration the radiations from Sun, other planets and various ground field forces. Its aim is not merely to design beautiful and comfortable buildings, rather it aims at designing such buildings which can have a positive influence on the happiness, prosperity and well being of the residents.

The guidelines and rules of Vastushastra have been laid down clearly into several ancient texts, but the principles upon which they have been formulated are steeped deep into mystical Indian philosophy of Vedas, Yoga and Tantra. It may be speculated, however, based upon several observations, that these principles are deeply connected to the cosmic rays of the sun, the movement of Earth, and geomagnetism